Review: Love Lost Her Way by Julie Anne Addicott
Title: Love Lost Her Way
Author: Julie Ann Addicott
Genre: Psychological Fiction
Publication Date: February 22, 2019
From the outside, my life was picture perfect. On the inside, something sinister lurked. I thought he was sick. I thought I could fix him. All I wanted was for him to love me. I was used and abused. Sold to the highest bidder. Unloved. Unseen. Unheard. Until Declan. He was my saviour. He helped me believe in the power of unconditional love. Then, he was gone. When love is lost, and there’s no hope left, how do you go on?

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This book is worthy of all the stars. I've sat here staring and thinking of how to express my love for this book, this story, these characters. The array of emotions I experienced. This story is raw, painful, tragic. It's not a tale of just -boy meets girl (and to me it will never be about the boy at all)- love but, a journey of loss and heartbreak and survival. Julie Anne Addicott created such a vivid picture of her characters, they became a part of me, they will always be a part of me. The author wrote about certain topics, described graphic horrors without glorifying it, while evoking authentic emotions: anger, loss, sadness, love, hatred, healing, regret, guilt... I felt them all. I appreciate her attention to detail, the research she clearly did, the raw honesty that was felt with each word. This book has been added to my all time favorite reads.

Wow. I'll start by saying this book was a tough read, and I don't mean that in a bad way, in fact the opposite. This was one of the most raw and heart wrenching books I have read in a long time. There isn't much you can say about this book without giving anything away, but I will say that although I almost put it down a few times as it was so heart wrenching, I'm so glad I stuck with it. Grab a box of tissues and one click. You won't regret it.

This book takes no time to throw you into a dark world that is unfortunately true. There is way too many abused children living Carlie's nightmare. I love the fact that the author doesn't automatically cure her once she's taken away from her abusive home life. If you are sensitive to triggers this might not be the book for you. I had to step away quite frequently. But if you can get past certain triggers this book is so wonderfully inspiring. My heart broke so many times but I also felt so proud of Carlie/Zahara. It's worth taking the journey with her. What is the most heartbreaking and important thing to remember is that this happens to some unfortunate souls daily. This is someone's story that needs to be told so more people are aware. Julie Ann Addicott, you're an amazing author and I thank you for not downplaying the horror that can happen. You have given someone reading this book a voice, hope and showing them that they are definitely loved.

I can’t even begin to express my love for this book. It’s not for the faint hearted. It’s a beautifully broken story. It’s painful, raw and emotional. No words could ever do this story justice.

Love lost her way, is a tragic story. It’s not for everyone I will say that. Some things that were written will affect some. If you love tear jerkers, well you came to the right place. Couldn’t stop reading, it was a page turner. It was an emotional rollercoaster for sure. I cried hard and I felt the pain and the loss!!

Every time I think a book won’t affect me. Well this one is just one of the few that’s clearly surprised me. I don’t think I’ve ever used the word raw to describe a book before, but it’s the only word aside from tragic and heartbreaking that stands out. It’s fitting, considering the events that take place. From the loss of her mother all the way to Declan... Well I can’t really say. Read for yourself. It’s so worth it.

If you're looking to feed the darkness in your soul, you've come to the right place. Julie Anne Addicott started her author journey in 2016 with her debut novel, Untamed Demon Soul. Julie Anne resides in Victoria, Australia, and lives with her husband and four children who encourage her writing, and keep the coffee flowing. Since The Untamed Series, Julie Anne has continued to write, with five novels, and five poetry compilations including The Curse of the Fallen Series that follows the lives of four cursed fallen angels. For wickedly sinful, and delightfully devilish reads that will carry you through serenity and chaos, follow Julie Anne Addicott on Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, and Instagram.

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