Review + Excerpt - Damien by LA Casey

Damien was probably one of my most anticipated reads this year. Hell its been one of my most anticipated reads for years if I’m honest. The last slater brothers story to be told and in my opinion the best one and that’s saying a lot because I have loved this series from the beginning. Damien for me was the story I wanted, no needed the most. His past is painful and so sad and it’s the one that broken my heart. Alannah she for me is the innocent one out of all of the women in this series. She has a heart of gold and will do anything for her friends and her family. Which is why I think she is perfect for Damien. These two have a rough start in this one reconnecting with each other after all those years have gone by. Alannah is clearly guarding her heart and rightfully so after having it shattered by Damien. As soon as i started reading this book I was instantly transported to the moment and instantly felt what she felt as if no time had past. This book was amazing and at many times throughout I could feel the hurt and the pain. Call me a masochist but I live for those angsty moments where you feel like your word may fall apart because you may have lost the one you love and this story at times gutted me completely. Damien oh I knew I would love him and I did. I loved his patience, his vulnerability and I loved it when he went all Alpha. And I loved that Alannah came out of her shell and stood up for herself when she needed to. Even though she’s so sweet and innocent she’s also tough. Not too mention that we see her break out of her shell a bit in this and at times that had me saying hell yeah girl show him what ya got !! At the same time however and what I absolutely love about The Slater Brothers is that there are also so many moments where I found myself laughing so hard. Whether it was because Nico was being well Nico and Bronagh was going to blow. Or Alec was being completely over the top because well let’s face it, he’s a bit of a drama king. LOL But that’s the thing with a great series. You fall in love with the characters. They all bring something to the table. They all are unique and add something to the storyline whether they are the main focus or not and you just want to live in their world even if it’s for a few hours a day. LA Casey always manages to create those moments for me where I find myself so wrapped up in what is happening. From the chemistry between Damien and Alannah, to the hilarious bickering between them all and even the moments where you waited on baited breath to find out what would happen next this book hit me in all the right spots. I want to reread it immediately. If you have never read this Slater brother series then you are seriously missing out. One of my top fav series ever which I’ve reread more times then I can count.

Title: Damien
Series: Slater Brothers
Author: L.A. Casey
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult, Romantic Comedy

What Damien values…
…Damien fights for.

Alannah Ryan had always suffered in silence, until that silence became so deafening she spilled secrets that she never intended to. At one point in her life, she yearned for adventure, a nail biting journey … something other than the mundane life she led. Her pleas were answered in the form of a tall, handsome heart breaker with a mop of white hair.
Alannah’s dreams for an exciting twist in her life were shattered because of a teenage mistake. One that has haunted her for over five years, and left her in pieces.
Damien Slater was the reason for every bad thing in the lives of those he loved most. A decision he made when he was just fifteen destroyed his brothers’ lives, and there was nothing he could do to change the things they had endured. Ruining them hurt, but ruining the only woman who wanted him for more than one night hurt a hell of a lot more.
Running away helped Damien heal, and returning to Ireland only caused Alannah more pain. Pain he intended to eradicate and replace with the passion he knew they both shared. Breaking down her walls was not the only challenge Damien faced. Another had plans of his own, and his intentions weren’t for physical vengeance, but something far worse.
Damien values Alannah above all else, and what Damien values, Damien fights for.

“Little bastard,” Alec said, breaking the silence.
Everyone looked at him.
“What?” Damien asked.
“You’re a little bastard,” Alec repeated.
Damien looked at Dominic, then back to Alec and said, “Not understanding why I’m a bastard.”
“Little bastard.”
Damien’s lips twitched at Alec’s correction.
“Sorry, I don’t understand why you’re calling me a little bastard.”
Alec scowled. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“No,” everyone said in unison.
“Unbelievable,” Alec said with a shake of his head. “You’re a little bastard because you bought the woman a star. A fucking star. How the hell can we compete with that?”
The question was put to Kane.
“Buy your girl two stars?” he suggested.
Alec scoffed. “It wouldn’t be impressive since buying a star has been already been done by the little bastard.”
“You could buy me a black hole,” Keela suggested. “I get sucked into one whenever you start talkin’ so it’d be perfect.”

L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who juggles her time with her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humor and Irish accent as much as her books.
Casey’s first book Dominic, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. She is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.
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