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Review: Colt by Rachel Lyn Adams

Title: Colt

Author: Rachel Lyn Adams

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publication Date: January 1, 2020

Sometimes all it takes is a spark to ignite an inferno… When Ember arrives from the Reno chapter of the Desert Sinners MC, she rekindles a fire deep inside of me. My attraction to her hasn’t dissipated after all these years, but despite our history, what she’s currently doing brings out a rage that trumps anything else. I have enough trouble with women without her coming back into my life with secrets and hidden agendas. But an attack on one of my brothers brings the truth to the surface. She isn’t the enemy, but we have plenty of those breathing down our necks from all directions. No one can be trusted. And losing myself in Ember again means risking not only my heart but the safety of the entire club. When threats converge and everything is on the line, will love be enough to keep the flame alive?

Terri's Review - Rating ★★★★

I have been waiting for Colt's story since I read Mac's. And I will say it was worth the wait. This story was equal parts action/heartbreaking/steamy. Ember was not a girl that I saw coming. You kind of get an idea in the beginning of what kind of person she is, but sometimes first impressions can be deceiving. And as this story progresses my heart started to bleed for Ember. Colt was a complete asshole. But, he was a lovable asshole. There was moments that you saw through his hard exterior and saw the man that he hid from everyone. The returning characters were just as enjoyable as they were the first time that you were introduced to them. And then there was some new characters that were introduced that I had plotted how to dispose of their bodies. Torch being the main one, that man was one that I just knew from the start that I wanted to see him 6 feet under. The continued threat from the first book was present, and I was invested in seeing if and how things were going to unfold. The moment that I got the the end I was saying to myself, "Ok let me have the next one." And boy am I excited that Wolf is up next. Way to go Rachel Lyn Adams on another great read that kept my attention and has me wanting more.

Rebecca's Review - Rating ★★★★★

Colt Is VP of the Desert Sinners. He gives all his loyalty to his club. He has no faith in women, and loves his single life the way it is. He's been burned too many time by the opposite sex. Ember is also loyal to her club. When she goes back to her home club, the one she grew up in she runs straight into Colt. They have an explosive first meeting which only gets more intense as situations keep forcing them together.


Rachel lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, five children, dog, three cats, and a bearded dragon. Whenever she has some free time you'll find her with a book in her hands. She never believed she was the creative type until she sat down one day and started plotting out a story that wouldn't leave her head. From there the ideas continued to flow. It was then that she found her outlet and she hasn't stopped since.



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