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REVIEW: Defenseless Hearts by Meagan Brandy

Series: Tender Hearts

Author: Meagan Brandy

Genre: Romance, Sports, New Adult, Contemporary

Publication Date: May 22, 2018

Series Reading Order

See what our review team is saying about Defenseless Hearts

Natasha's thoughts...

This is book 2 in the Tender Hearts series. You don't need to read book 1 (Fumbled Hearts) first, but it is recommended since the characters are introduced in the first book. This book follows Parker. What Its been like with His new life with Kalani and Nate. And the woman he loves. She only comes around for short periods of time, to recharge and before leaving back to a life she is unhappy in. So what happens when its been months since he last saw her, and she shows up at his door? He can't deny her. Maybe this time, instead of playing safe, he will play defense. This book was amazing. I loved reading more about Parker, his life, and his love interest. It also had many twists and turns that i didn't see coming, and made me feel. There was a few things that were hard to read (may trigger, or be hard to read, or even upset some). But it was still an amazing book! I love the love, friendship, and family that was in this book. 4 ⭐ out of 5⭐


Katy's thoughts...

Gahhhhh!!!! Oh my poor heart! It literally ripped in two reading this bad boy. The angst....oh boy. You will fall head over heels for Parker and become increasingly protective over Kenra. This book was a very emotional read for me. It hooked me in and i could not put this down. It was highly charged and simply stunning. The feels you get with this read is phenomenal. I felt everything and i mean everything. One of my top reads! Just freaking incredible!!!!


Laura's thoughts...

Another fabulous instalment of Meagan Brandy’s “Tender Hearts” series. I would encourage you to read book 1, “Fumbled Hearts” first, followed by “Defenseless Hearts”. In the 🇬🇧 we spell it Defenceless. Not sure if that’s a 🇺🇸 thing, or a typo. This book had me feeling a lot of different emotions! I wanted to kill Kellan I wanted to kick Kenra I wanted to hump Parker’s leg like a little horny pup 🐶 😂 Great read!

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Yericka's thoughts...

One hell of an angst ride. Parker Baylor is swoon-worthy for sure. The man made my heart sing. I didn't love let alone like Kenra at first. I mean the girl was hot and cold and hot and cold. Her behavior gave me whiplash. Not everything was what I thought it would be with this story. The humor and easy going friendship was there. I got to see a side of Parker and Lolli (Kalani from Fumbled Hearts, if you haven't read that yet waiting for?) their friendship was always just theirs, special, unexplainable, unique, true and honest. This story was a series of ups and downs, lefts and rights. I couldn't get enough and even shed a tear here and there. Meagan Brandy is one excellent writer. I hope to see more of the rest of the characters but most definitely more of Payton. I bet hers is gonna be one hell of a story


Dawne's thoughts...

Holy moley! This book.....this book has scrambled my brain and spit out my heart. I’m exhausted reeling from all the emotions and have whiplash from hating Kenra , to loving Kenra back and forth like a damn merry go round. So much evil vs some much love. Gah!!! I need a drink.


Nancy's thoughts...

I could NOT put this book down! Parker is almost perfect. He is loyal to his friends and family. He loves hard whether it is his best friend Lolli or the girl that has his heart. I don't want to give anything away because that's a great bit of the story but while I was reading I would think WOW I did not see that coming. Then there were parts that made me teary. I have highly recomended this book and series to my friends and I can't wait to see what happens next.


Lisa thoughts...

I love Parker! Glad he finally got his HEA!!! It was such an emotional book. Meagan puts you through a roller coaster and you feel the angst. You meet Parker in Fumbled Hearts, and wonder if he will ever get his HEA and who the girl could be ;) Well lets just say you will need to read it to get the rest of the story... But at times you do see where they both come from and that when you hit rock bottom you can work yourself back up.

It was worth waiting for the book and I cant wait to read more from Meagan Brandy.


Claire's thoughts...

I have been in a proper book slump for about 2 weeks, couldn't pick anything up that held my interest until I started this bad boy! It's just after 2am and I just finished, I just couldn't put it down Meagan Brandy has done u again. Parker met his one true love 4 years ago but every time he though it was his time to have her she went back to her ex again and again but is this it, is this the right time for them or will fate step in again? Kenra has always turned to Parker he is her rock and she would do anything for him and his happiness even if it means giving up her own. I love this book and all I can say is there better be more coming!!


Paige's thoughts...

This book was everything. I absolutely loved everything about this book! I’d been needing to hear all about Parker ever since the first book and I was definitely not disappointed!! Parker was everything and this book gave me all the feels, I loved that you just didn’t know what was going to happen and it was just filled with surprises. I also loved hearing all about everyone else and would love to read their stories


Samantha's thoughts...

Defenseless Hearts is the second book in the series of Tender Hearts, i highly recommend book one Fumbled hearts it was also a great read, plus you get some back story on these amazing characters. From the very beginning it grabs your attention and you don't want to put it down. There's moments with Parker that will have you annoyed with his girl but have faith in her everything happens for a reason. You'll want to one click this bad boy when it comes out. One of my favs of 2018


Melissa's thoughts...

Defenseless Hearts was full of angst and had my emotions all wrapped up in it. What I can say about this book other then the feels. Meagan Brandy had me completely engaged in the ups and downs of this book from the very beginning all the to the very end. This is one of those relationships that was meant to be but to get to that HEA you had to go through a whole lot of heartbreak and emotional turmoil. I won't go into too much detail about this other then its Parker's book and man did I love everything about him. He definitely had me swooning. This story just pulls at your heartstrings. It makes you feel as though you are in the middle of it all.


About Defenseless Hearts

After months of silence, here she stands on my front porch, waiting to be let in again. But it's the same play every time, and I know how this ends - I give her all I have and she carries it with her on the way back to him. I should turn her away, but I won't. Couldn't do it if I tried. Because no matter how many times she pops back up, pulls me in and drags me under, it will never be enough. I'll always want more. More of her. More for us. And she'll always choose him.

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About Meagan

Meagan is a candy crazed, jukebox junkie who tends to speak in lyrics. Born and raised in California, she is a married mother of three crazy boys who keep her bouncing from one sports field to another, depending on the season, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Starbucks is her best friend and words are her sanity.

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