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REVIEW: The Way We Burn by M. Leighton

Title: The Way We Burn

Author: M. Leighton

Genre: Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Romance

Publication Date: June 22, 2018

"This is the way we burn, baby. We burn together, or not at all."

Mel's thoughts...

The Way We Burn is a deliciously enticing romancer that took me by surprise and had my mouth gaping at one point in shock. Holy hannah, this book. It's one of those books that will immediately grab your attention. But the kicker with this one is that when you least expect it, when you think that all the twists and turns and WTF's that continously happen in this story are done. BAM you are hit with the motherload of revelations that changes absolutely everything you thought you knew and it makes this story even better. Not only that it will make you replay, rewind everything you read up until that certain point just to see what you might have missed. As far as romantic thrillers goes this is one of the best. M. Leighton writes some strong characters in this one and lays it all out there for you to absorb. From almost the get go when Noah walks into the diner you can feel the chemistry but at the same time you are immediately intrigued with where this story will go.

"She has no idea what the sound of my name on her lips does to me, and I have no intention of telling her."

Noah has a tortured past, it's filled with tragedy and you feel his losses even though you might now know the entire story. You just know he's hurting. Poppy is drawn to him and even though your not sure the why or the how you can feel that these two have something between them and I was just dying to find out where things would go.

"...I realize that there will be no planning with this man. No planning for him. Thre will be no preparations I can make, no precautions I can take. No rehearsed lines or reactions or maneuvers. He will take me by storm, like a hurricane, and that's that. So I give up, I give in. To it, to him And I let go. It is my time to risk falling. And pray for the flying."

This book is exciting, it's thrilling, it's curious and it's shocking. And I absolutely loved this. It was a completely different read for me then what I've been reading these last few days and it was just what I needed as I've been in a bit of a reading funk.

With multi layered characters, twists, turns and one hell of a plot twist The Way We Burn is an amazing and a definite must read if you love romantic suspense.


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About The Book

Irresistible attraction. Unimaginable danger. I knew from the moment Noah Williamson walked into the diner that he was haunted—deeply haunted—but I couldn’t resist the lure of him. He was gorgeous and fascinating and mysterious, and like a delicate moth to a brilliant blue flame, I was drawn to him. Drawn to his fire. But if I’d known about his job, about what happened to his wife, I’d have run the other way. Before I got caught up in the red-hot blaze of his life. Before everything in my world got burned to the ground. It’s too late to run now. I hesitated and that was it. I fell. I fell for him before I knew there was danger in loving him. Noah once told me that this is the way we burn—together or not at all. At the time, I didn’t know what that meant. Now I do. **The Way We Burn is a love story…with a kicker! Suspense, chemistry, and twists galore, I can’t wait for you to jump in! But don’t be afraid. This is a stand alone VERY romantic story with a VERY satisfying ending. I promise:) xoxo M**

About M. Leighton

New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, M. Leighton, is a rarely ever comfortable speaking about herself in the third person, but here goes. Michelle is a former nurse who has always harbored a passion for the written word, a weakness for alpha males, and a profound love of all things romantic. Never in her wildest dreams did this Yankee-turned-Southerner imagine her life as it is today. She has the best job in the world, a husband who treats her like a princess, and a dog that’s so smart she may one day write a novel, too. You can often find Michelle hidden away in her cave, crafting a new story, or out in the sunshine enjoying some quiet time with her man. Movies, wine, and good food are frequently thrown into the mix, and exercise on days that start with Q. She loves laughter, chocolate, the color red, and you can find out more about her at Sign up for her newsletter here: She promises not to spam your inbox:)

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