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REVIEW: Tightrope by Maddie Wade

Sarah's thoughts...

Eeek. So i've just finished this and I can't believe that's how it ended! So, the story. For me it's a little choppy. BUt, I did read the advanced copy. Dean, wow, wasn't expecting that. Hunter, great, until he isn't. Shows some signs of maturity and then that of a toddler. Lexi, loving, very naive and prone to bad luck. Sucked me in though that i'm eager to see what happens next.

Nancy's thoughts...

WOW! What a great story! I couldn't believe some of the things that happened. I found that some of the characters were not as they appeared. The twists and turns in this story grabs you and won't let you put it down. Lexi married her high school sweetheart Dean and after he had a stroke she becomes his caregiver more than his wife. He becomes mean, nasty and mentally abusive. After a few years of this mental abuse and Dean telling her he finds her repulsive. Lexi goes out with friends to try and forget. Hunter is who she meets that fateful night that changed her life. I was so caught up in the story that I never noticed I was coming to the end of the book. OMG I need the next one NOW! Don't let a cliffie stop you from reading this awesome story.

My husband is not the man I married. The man I remembered loving was, warm, kind, sensual. This man is cold, distant and cruel. The doctors say he’ll get better and I want to believe them. But I’m losing faith with every hate filled word past his lips. I miss the man I married. I miss the woman I was. Until I’m hit by a blue-eyed storm and now my life is shattered. When I lock eyes with the sexy stranger at the bar, he makes me remember the carefree woman I was. Lost after that single night of passion, I thought it couldn’t get worse. I was wrong. Torn between the vows I promised to a man who is cruel and remote and the all-consuming lust for a stranger I can never have, I walk the tightrope between desire and duty and hope that I don’t fall and destroy us all. **Please Note this book ends on a cliffhanger and is part 1 of a duet. Book 2 will release in July**

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About Maddie

Maddie is a married mum of three children. She lives in Hereford in the UK. She loves martial arts and Ale, although not together. Maddie gained her black belt in karate at 14 yrs old and then went on to study jujitsu. She now watches her twin sons from the sidelines. Healing Danger is her debut novel.

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