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REVIEWS: Indian Summer by Eve L. Mitchell

Genre: YA

Publication Date: January 20, 2019

Arielle Miller has had a bad year, she’s lost more than any 18 year old should. Now she’s starting over, new state, new city, new life. She’s attending college, getting her degree and maybe, just maybe, starting to heal. He wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t meant for her. Colton Dawson shouldn’t look at her the way he does, shouldn’t make her feel the way he does and yet he’s holding back, keeping her at a distance. Can she cope with being so near to Colton, but not being with him, or will this time mean losing everything……….losing him?

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Rating ★★★★★

I can’t believe that this is Ms Mitchell’s first novel. Right from chapter one, I was completely enthralled. I literally read this book in one day, couldn’t put it down! You can’t help but adore these boys.... Cole, Theo and Matt. I laughed so much! Even Corey is adorable. I loved how Arielle grew during the book. She just became stronger with each page, learning to stand up for herself. She faced so many trials my heart broke for her at times. I adored the ending, but could have done with a bit more nooky detail. When you have to wait up until the end of a book for it, you expect explosions 😉 All in all it was a fabulous debut novel! Huge congrats!

Rating ★★★★★

Love love loved this book. Arielle is such a strong woman for going through all she has done in her life So far. I mean holy wow! The secondary characters are always a favorite of mines in any book, in my opinion, they make a book what it is. And this book was no exception. I still can't believe this book as the author's first. I'll be keeping an eye on this author for more books, definitely one to watch!

Eve L Mitchell lives in the North East of Scotland, in the UK. She writes under a pen name, because otherwise her Secret Agent status will be revoked. Eve has dreamed of being an author ever since she learnt to read and is now finally stepping towards that dream. Vast amounts of coffee and sarcasm fuel Eve into being one of those irritating people who have the insane belief that the glass is always half full (unless it’s empty, which means there is no coffee); the sun will still be shining tomorrow (unless the apocalypse happens and then there is no coffee), and is known to reply to any woes with…..’Well…it could be worse’ (because it really could be, there could be no coffee). Eve is also prone to bursting into loud bouts of off key singing. Much to the joy of all around her.


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